Friday, December 10, 2010

We've had some long days!

I need to double check the exact milage, but the last several days we have really been pushing from sunrise to sunset and have put in a lot of 50 (statute) mile or over days. Yesterday was probably the longest, we went from Titusville to Vero Beach, which was almost 70 miles. We took it easy this morning, we woke up, had a yummy eggs and bacon breakfast, took the dingy ashore to pay for the mooring and take showers, and didn't head out until about 10:15!

We have some tentative good news - hopefully I won't jinx it, but right now, the parts and a shipping crate are on there way from Yamaha to Southport, and Eddie will be re-assembling the motor tomorrow. We will pay the upgrade to ship it overnight to a marina we've found in Palm Beach, and they should be re-attaching it on Wednesday morning. After a lot of back and forth with Yamaha, including being told that we had an atypical use of the motor and may have voided our warranty, they finally agreed a five month old motor should not have rusted cylinders. Yay, we are finally winning again, too bad we will have ended up doing 700 (of 1000) miles of the ICW with only one motor. It's been a learning experience and I think we are going to be experts at docking the boat once we have that other motor back. We are going to make a real effort to continue to plan and communicate which is really what made this possible. Remaining calm and not yelling when things did not go as planned also kept our boat and marriage in one piece.

A few quick thoughts:

We are working on the next installment of the video blog! Get ready.

Yesterday we were trying to remember the last day we didn't see dolphins. I think it was our layover day in Beaufort, SC, but before that I can't remember. On this trip we've also seen otters, a few manatees (we think) and a bald eagle. Unfortunetetly nature photography is really difficult and there will probably be little evidence in our next video blog.

Today was finally warm! It was in the 70's. Also, the water today was teal! It felt very tropical.

And a few pictures:

Crab Feast!

Saint Augustine

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