Thursday, December 16, 2010

We Made It!!

We started feeling better about making the trip with one motor after talking to Chris Parker - The Cruiser's Weather Guru - and finding out starting Wednesday night, there was going to be a 72 hour weather window which was the best he'd seen in two months. So yesterday afternoon we moved over to an anchorage near the Fort Worth Inlet. We were also relieved that there were many other boats also staged at the anchorage by the inlet.

Except that I got incredibly sea sick, and Ben had to do most of the work, it was a great trip. The first 10 - 15 miles were a little rough, but then it calmed down. Unfortunately, once you throw up spice sausage for a few hours, there isn't much going back. (Note to self: Next time fix something bland for dinner the night before leaving).

We are so excited to be here and are off to do some exploring!

Location:West End,The Bahamas


  1. Glad to hear you had a good crossing, with the exception of the spice sausage. We are excited for you and hope to catch up with you in the Bahamas somewhere. (We went home to VA for Christmas and it is snowing here with ice on the river.)

  2. Congratulations! Have fun --have a great Christmas.
