Monday, November 29, 2010

Captain's Log Week 2

11/18/10 To Oriental 
Speed: motor sail 6 knots
Fished with hand lines (no luck)
Motor time 5 hours
We also needn't replace the starboard side "cold" fresh water pump. We thought we had already fixed it but, apparently only temporarily. :(

We found our favorite marina! $42.50 for dockage, power, and pump out!  Not to mention perks like hot tub, laundry, steam showers, and courtesy car.  All of which we used.

Very pleasant day.  However, when we were just about to Oriental we got an email from the rigger who we had inspect our standing rigging before we set off on our trip.  Unfortunately, he found some things that we need to have fixed right away.
After some time at the marina, we met up with family friends Larry and Roberta Jones, who live near Oriental.  We had a lovely dinner and picked their brains for sailing tips in the Bahamas.  (They have a catamaran which they sailed to the Bahamas last winter.) Roberta also sent us back to the boat with some really delicious smoked turkey!  I think we are going to save it for Thanksgiving. 

11/19/10 Oriental dock yard
Motor 1.5h
We started the day at 7:10 by moving Whisper 6 miles to a boat yard in Oriental proper. 
The yard re-bedded both port and starboard chainplates (these hold the shrouds to the hull and the shrouds in turn hold the mast up).  Additionally we added whisker stays that run from the front of the diamond spreader strut back to the spreaders.  This compensates for the lateral forces exerted on the diamond spreader when the jib hits it while tacking.  The yard was fantastic it's often the case that a yard will not move you to the front of the line just because you are on your way somewhere. We're glad they were willing to do this for us.  In the end the repairs took about 24 hours. 

11/20/10 Dock Yard to Beaufort
4.5hours motor time.
Nice trip, nothing remarkable.
Ended up docking next to Escapod who we met in Norfolk last week
Also met Calvin.  This guy bought a $1200 sailboat (last week) and decided to head south solo.  Did I mention he has absolutely no sailing experience at all what so ever.....  We like him already.

11/21/10 Beaufort to Wrightsville beach.
11:5 motor hours 
This was our first "outside" trip.  The weather was perfect and the seas calm.  Despite fishing with 9 lures all day we caught nada.

11/22/10 Wrightsville Beach to Southport marina
3 hour motor
the Starboard engine is still having the same problems with operating at high RPMs.  When under a load she will bog down and loose power.  We decided to stop in Southport for a  quick fix.  Both Yamaha and the boat yard in Deltaville have assured me that it is likely just a clog in the fuel line.  unfortunately it looks like it is actually a bad lift pump (fuel pump).  The part has to be ordered and will not be in until the morning.  =(
The repair crew are really professional and very helpful.  The fact that they are master yamaha mechanics is helping to put my mind as ease.  
11/23/10 Southport 
Sadly, the new lift motor did not fix the problem.  The crew was working on the boat until well after quitting time.  I like these guys, they enjoy the diagnosis.  Despite their best efforts, we are here for another night.  Laura isn't to worried however as now she can go down the road and watch the Virginia basketball game.  
I used the day to get caught up on some boat cleaning and waxing.

11/24/10 Southport
Started the day by finishing the waxing on the topside of the hull.  The mechanics showed up about 10:30 and are still trying to figure out whats wrong.  I can tell you that the problem is not a clog in the fuel line, a leak in the fuel line, bad gas, water in the gas, the fuel pump, or a carburetor clog, it is also not a bad priming bulb, fuel filter, fuel filter housing assembly, or vacuum leak....  Starting to get a little frustrated.
In the end. The decision was made to haul the boat out of the water and have a look at the lower unit oil.  They took one look at the oil and decided we needed a new motor. Fortunately this should be a warranty replacement as the motors are new this year.

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