Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Day in Southport, NC

The engine was not fixed yesterday, and we were stuck in Southport another night. All wasn't lost though - I was able to watch Virginia beat Oklahoma in basketball on ESPN2 at Fishy Fishy. The bad news is it's starting to look like we might need a new motor, and there is not another high thrust, long shaft Yamaha 9.9 in the area.

This morning I also ran some errands around town. I picked up collard greens and yams from a produce stand, and some hand soap, baking soda (to clean the solar shower) and canned lima beans at a gas station market. The big find was the Potter's Seafood, selling fresh, local seafood right off the docks. I picked up 6 blue crabs and  a pound and a half of head on shrimp. It was hard to resist buying more, but my backpack was filling up, I only have two hands and it was a little bit of a walk back to the marina.

Potter's Seafood, Southport, NC 

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