Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones; let's name the zones of the open sea!

source: http://pixar.wikia.com/Mr._Ray
Probably one of the most exciting wildlife moments, for me at least, occurred Sunday at Guana. There were several people on the Grabber's dingy dock. I assumed they were looking at the sunset, but when we got closer they yelled that we were actually really close to a huge ray. He stayed around until we got up on the dock. He was huge - probably at least 5 feet across and a very long tail - and looked just like the teacher from Finding Nemo. The biggest difference is the tail was a lot longer, Ben and I estimated 10 feet in total length. We had been snorkeling earlier so I had already said I wanted to watch Finding Nemo, which we have with us on DVD. We decided to just watch the scene with the teacher that night.

The day of the ray was a Sunday and we were on Great Guana Cay for the Nipper's Sunday pig roast. It was excellent, but we ate way too much. We snorkeled right off Nippers after each enjoying a Frozen Nipper and before the pig. The water was clear and I saw a ton of Dory fish (from Finding Nemo again), but snorkeling off Hope Town seemed to be a little better.

Whisper anchored off Tahiti Beach
On Monday we sailed down to Tahiti Beach, which was recommended as one of the best beaches in the area. At first it didn't seem very nice, but once we walked around the point, to where a group a Spanish speakers were playing soccer, it turned out to be very beautiful. After that we sailed back to Marsh Harbor.

This morning we called in reservations to the Jib Room for rib night tomorrow night, did some grocery shopping at Maxwell's and then motor sailed up to Treasure Cay to park ourselves at the bar and charge our electronics.

We're really enjoying our new schedule - which basically consists of us listening to the Cruiser's Net in the morning and figuring out what we'd like to do and what the weather says we can do, then figuring out if there's anything we need to do (water, gas, groceries, etc) and then making a tentative schedule based on that. This week there is a conch cracking lesson at the Jib Room on Thursday night, and rib night on Wednesday, so we will head back to Marsh Harbor tomorrow. This weekend there is a party Saturday night in Little Harbor, but it doesn't sound like the wind will be right, so we might skip that and instead plan the weekend around which ever bar is having the best Super Bowl drink specials.

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